Source code for et_micc.project

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module et_micc.project

An OO interface to *micc* projects.

import os
import shutil
import json
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from operator import xor
from types import SimpleNamespace

import click
import semantic_version
from import main as sphinx_build

from et_micc.tomlfile import TomlFile
import et_micc.utils
import et_micc.expand
import et_micc.logger
from et_micc import __version__
# from et_micc.db import Database


def micc_version():
    return __version__

[docs]class Project: """ An OO interface to *micc* projects. :param types.SimpleNameSpace options: all options from the ``micc`` CLI. """ def __init__(self, options): self.exit_code = 0 self.logger = None self.options = options project_path = options.project_path if hasattr(options, 'template_parameters'): # only needed for expanding templates. # Pick up the default parameters default_parameters = {} template_parameters_json = project_path / 'micc.json' if template_parameters_json.exists(): default_parameters.update( et_micc.expand.get_template_parameters(template_parameters_json) ) else: default_parameters.update( et_micc.expand.get_template_parameters( et_micc.expand.get_preferences(Path('.')) ) ) # Add options.template_parameters to the default parameters # (options.template_parameters takes precedence, so they must be added last) default_parameters.update(options.template_parameters) # Store all the parameters in options.template_parameters. options.template_parameters = default_parameters if et_micc.utils.is_project_directory(project_path, self): # existing project self.get_logger() self.version = self.pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['version'] else: # not a project directory or not a directory at all if getattr(options, 'create', False): if project_path.exists() and os.listdir(str(project_path)): self.error(f"Cannot create project in ({project_path}):\n" f" Directory must be empty." ) else: self.create() else: # all other micc commands require a project directory. self.error(f"Not a project directory ({project_path}).") @property def project_path(self): return self.options.project_path
[docs] def error(self, msg): """Print an error message :py:obj:`msg` and set the project's :py:obj:`exit_code`.""" click.secho("[ERROR]\n" + msg, fg='bright_red') self.exit_code = 1
[docs] def warning(self, msg): """Print an warning message :py:obj:`msg` and set the project's :py:obj:`exit_code`.""" click.secho("[WARNING]\n" + msg, fg='green')
[docs] def create(self): """Create a new project skeleton.""" self.project_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not self.options.allow_nesting: # Prevent the creation of a project inside another project p = self.project_path.parent.resolve() while not p.samefile('/'): if et_micc.utils.is_project_directory(p): self.error(f"Cannot create project in ({self.project_path}):\n" f" Specify '--allow-nesting' to create a et_micc project inside another et_micc project ({p})." ) return p = p.parent project_name = self.project_name = project_name if not self.options.module_name: if not et_micc.utils.verify_project_name(project_name): self.error(f"The project name ({project_name}) does not yield a PEP8 compliant module name:\n" f" The project name must start with char, and contain only chars, digits, hyphens and underscores.\n" f" Alternatively, provide an explicit module name with the --module-name=<name>." ) return else: self.package_name = et_micc.utils.pep8_module_name(project_name) else: self.package_name = self.options.module_name try: relative_project_path = self.project_path.relative_to(Path.cwd()) except ValueError: # project_path was specified relative to cwd using ../ # use full path instead of relative path relative_project_path = self.project_path if self.options.publish: is_publishable = et_micc.utils.is_publishable(self.package_name,verbose=self.options.verbosity>1) if is_publishable is None: self.error(f" Could not verify availability of name '{self.package_name}' on PyPI.\n" f" Are you online?\n" f" The project is not created." ) return elif not is_publishable: self.error( f" The name '{self.package_name}' is already in use on PyPI.\n" f" The project is not created. You must choose another name if you want to publish." ) return structure, source_file = ('package', f'({relative_project_path}{os.sep}{self.package_name}{os.sep}') \ if self.options.package else \ ('module', f'({relative_project_path}{os.sep}{self.package_name}.py)') self.options.verbosity = max(1, self.options.verbosity) self.get_logger() with et_micc.logger.logtime(self): with et_micc.logger.log( , f"Creating project ({self.project_name}):" ):"Python {structure} ({self.package_name}): structure = {source_file}") template_parameters = {'project_name': self.project_name , 'package_name': self.package_name } template_parameters.update(self.options.template_parameters) self.options.template_parameters = template_parameters self.options.overwrite = False self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical(f"Exiting ({self.exit_code}) ...") return my_micc_file = self.project_path / 'micc.json' with'w') as f: json.dump(template_parameters, f) self.logger.debug(f" . Wrote project template parameters to {my_micc_file}.") with et_micc.logger.log(, "Creating git repository"): with et_micc.utils.in_directory(self.project_path): cmds = [['git', 'init'] , ['git', 'add', '*'] , ['git', 'add', '.gitignore'] , ['git', 'commit', '-m', '"first commit"'] ] if template_parameters['github_username']: cmds.extend( [ ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', f"{template_parameters['github_username']}/{self.project_name}"] , ['git', 'push', '-u', 'origin', 'master'] ] ) et_micc.utils.execute(cmds, self.logger.debug, stop_on_error=False) self.logger.warning( "Run 'poetry install' in the project directory to create a virtual " "environment and install its dependencies." ) if self.options.publish:"The name '{self.package_name}' is still available on PyPI.") self.logger.warning("To claim the name, it is best to publish your project now\n" "by running 'poetry publish'." )
[docs] def module_to_package_cmd(self): """Convert a module project (:file:``) to a package project (:file:`package/`).""" if self.structure == 'package': self.warning(f"Project ({self.project_name}) is already a package ({self.package}).") return f"Converting Python module project {self.project_name} to Python package project." ) # add documentation files for general Python project self.options.templates = "package-general-docs" self.options.template_parameters.update( {'project_short_description': self.pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['description']} ) self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical( f"Expand failed during Project.module_to_package_cmd for project ({self.project_name})." ) return # move <package_name>.py to <package_name>/ package_path = self.project_path / self.package_name package_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) src = self.project_path / (self.package_name + '.py') dst = self.project_path / self.package_name / '' shutil.move(src, dst)
[docs] def info_cmd(self): """Output info on the project.""" if self.options.verbosity >= 0: self.options.verbosity = 10 if self.options.verbosity >= 1: click.echo("Project " +, fg='green') + " located at " +, fg='green') + "\n package: " +, fg='green') + "\n version: " +, fg='green') ) if self.options.verbosity >= 2: click.echo(" structure: " +, fg='green') + f' (Python {self.structure})') if self.options.verbosity >= 3 and self.structure == 'package': package_path = self.project_path / self.package_name files = [] files.extend(package_path.glob('**/*.py')) files.extend(package_path.glob('**/cpp_*/')) files.extend(package_path.glob('**/f90_*')) if len(files) > 1: # is always there. click.echo(" contents:") for f in files: # filters if '{' in str(f): continue if 'package-' in str(f): # very ad hoc solution, only relevant to the et_micc project itself continue if == "" and f.parent.samefile(package_path): # ignore the top-level continue if 'build_' in str(f): continue fg = 'green' extra = '' if'cli'): kind = "application " fg = 'blue' elif'cpp_'): kind = "C++ module " extra = f"{os.sep}{'_', 1)[1]}.cpp" elif'f90_'): kind = "f90 module " extra = f"{os.sep}{'_', 1)[1]}.f90" elif == '': kind = "package " else: kind = "module " click.echo(" " + kind + + extra, fg=fg))
[docs] def version_cmd(self): """Bump the version according to :py:obj:`self.options.rule` or show the current version if no rule is specified. The version is stored in pyproject.toml in the project directory, and in :py:obj:`__version__` variable of the top-level package, which is either in :file:`<package_name>.py`, :file:`<package_name>/`, or in :file:`<package_name>/`. """ self.options.verbosity = max(1, self.options.verbosity) if not self.options.rule: if self.options.short: print(self.version) else: click.echo("Project " +"({self.project_name}) ", fg='cyan') + "version " +"({self.version}) ", fg='cyan') ) else: r = f"--{self.options.rule}" current_semver = semantic_version.Version(self.version) if self.options.rule == 'patch': new_semver = current_semver.next_patch() elif self.options.rule == 'minor': new_semver = current_semver.next_minor() elif self.options.rule == 'major': new_semver = current_semver.next_major() else: r = f"--rule {self.options.rule}" new_semver = semantic_version.Version(self.options.rule) # update pyproject.toml if not self.options.dry_run: self.pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['version'] = str(new_semver) # update __version__ look_for = f'__version__ = "{current_semver}"' replace_with = f'__version__ = "{new_semver}"' if self.structure == 'module': # update in <package_name>.py et_micc.utils.replace_in_file(self.project_path / self.src_file, look_for, replace_with) else: # update in <package_name>/ p = self.project_path / self.package_name / "" if p.exists(): et_micc.utils.replace_in_file(p, look_for, replace_with) else: p = self.project_path / self.package_name / '' et_micc.utils.replace_in_file(p, look_for, replace_with)"({self.project_name})> micc version ({current_semver}) -> ({new_semver})") else: click.echo(f"({self.project_name})> micc version {r} --dry-run : " +"({current_semver} ", fg='cyan') + "-> " +"({new_semver})", fg='cyan') ) self.version = str(new_semver) # even if dry run!
[docs] def tag_cmd(self): """Create and push a version tag ``v<Major>.<minor>.<patch>`` for the current version.""" tag = f"v{self.version}" with et_micc.utils.in_directory(self.project_path):"Creating git tag {tag} for project {self.project_name}") cmd = ['git', 'tag', '-a', tag, '-m', f'"tag version {self.version}"'] self.logger.debug(f"Running '{' '.join(cmd)}'") completed_process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.logger.debug(completed_process.stdout.decode('utf-8')) if completed_process.stderr: self.logger.critical(completed_process.stderr.decode('utf-8')) self.logger.debug(f"Pushing tag {tag} for project {self.project_name}") cmd = ['git', 'push', 'origin', tag] self.logger.debug(f"Running '{' '.join(cmd)}'") completed_process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if completed_process.returncode == 0: if completed_process.stdout: self.logger.debug(completed_process.stdout.decode('utf-8')) else: if completed_process.stdout: self.logger.warning(completed_process.stdout.decode('utf-8')) if completed_process.stderr: self.logger.warning(completed_process.stderr.decode('utf-8')) self.logger.warning(f"Failed '{' '.join(cmd)}'\nRerun the command later (you must be online).")'Done.')
[docs] def add_cmd(self): """Add some source file to the project. This method dispatches to * :py:meth:`add_app`, * :py:meth:`add_python_module`, * :py:meth:`add_f90_module`, * :py:meth:`add_cpp_module` """ if self.structure == 'module': self.error(f"Cannot add to a module project ({self.project_name}).\n" f" Use `micc convert-to-package' on this project to convert it to a package project." ) return # set implied flags: if app_implied = f" [implied by --group ({int(})]" = True else: app_implied = "" if self.options.package: py_implied = f" [implied by --package ({int(self.options.package)})]" = True else: py_implied = "" # Verify that one and only one of app/py/f90/cpp flags has been selected: if (not ( or or self.options.f90 or self.options.cpp) or not xor(xor(,, xor(self.options.f90, self.options.cpp))): # Do not log, as the state of the project is not changed. self.error(f"Specify one and only one of \n" f" --app ({int(}){app_implied}\n" f" --py ({int( )}){py_implied}\n" f" --f90 ({int(self.options.f90)})\n" f" --cpp ({int(self.options.cpp)})\n" ) return db_entry = {'options': self.options} if # Prepare for adding an app app_name = self.options.add_name if self.app_exists(app_name): self.error(f"Project {self.project_name} has already an app named {app_name}.") return if not et_micc.utils.verify_project_name(app_name): self.error( f"Not a valid app name ({app_name}_. Valid names:\n" f" * start with a letter [a-zA-Z]\n" f" * contain only [a-zA-Z], digits, hyphens, and underscores\n" ) return if if not self.options.templates: self.options.templates = 'app-sub-commands' else: if not self.options.templates: self.options.templates = 'app-simple' self.add_app(db_entry) else: # Prepare for adding a sub-module module_name = self.options.add_name # Verify that the name is not already used: if self.module_exists(module_name): self.error(f"Project {self.project_name} has already a module named {module_name}.") return # Verify that the name is valid: if (not et_micc.utils.verify_project_name(module_name) or module_name != et_micc.utils.pep8_module_name(module_name)): self.error( f"Not a valid module name ({module_name}). Valid names:\n" f" * start with a letter [a-zA-Z]\n" f" * contain only [a-zA-Z], digits, and underscores\n" ) return if # prepare for adding a Python sub-module: # self.options.structure = 'package' if self.options.package else 'module' if not self.options.templates: self.options.templates = 'module-py' self.add_python_module(db_entry) elif self.options.f90: # prepare for adding a Fortran sub-module: if not self.options.templates: self.options.templates = 'module-f90' self.add_f90_module(db_entry) elif self.options.cpp: # prepare for adding a C++ sub-module: if not self.options.templates: self.options.templates = 'module-cpp' self.add_cpp_module(db_entry) self.deserialize_db() self.serialize_db(db_entry)
[docs] def add_app(self, db_entry): """Add a console script (app, aka CLI) to the package.""" project_path = self.project_path app_name = self.options.add_name cli_app_name = 'cli_' + et_micc.utils.pep8_module_name(app_name) w = 'with' if else 'without' with et_micc.logger.log(, f"Adding CLI {app_name} {w} sub-commands to project {}."): self.options.template_parameters.update( {'app_name': app_name, 'cli_app_name': cli_app_name} ) self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical( f"Expand failed during Project.add_app for project ({self.project_name})." ) return package_name = self.options.template_parameters['package_name'] src_file = os.path.join(, package_name, f"cli_{app_name}.py") tst_file = os.path.join(, 'tests', f"test_cli_{app_name}.py")"- Python source file {src_file}.")"- Python test code {tst_file}.") with et_micc.utils.in_directory(project_path): # docs # Look if this package has already an 'apps' entry in docs/index.rst with open('docs/index.rst', "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() has_already_apps = False api_line = -1 for l, line in enumerate(lines): has_already_apps = has_already_apps or line.startswith(" apps") if line.startswith(' api'): api_line = l # if not, create it: if not has_already_apps: lines.insert(api_line, ' apps\n') with open('docs/index.rst', "w") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) # Create 'APPS.rst' if it does not exist: txt = '' if not Path('APPS.rst').exists(): # create a title title = "Command Line Interfaces (apps)" line = len(title) * '*' + '\n' txt += (line + title + '\n' + line + '\n' ) # create entry for this apps documentation txt2 = (f".. click:: {package_name}.{cli_app_name}:main\n" f" :prog: {app_name}\n" f" :show-nested:\n\n" ) file = 'APPS.rst' with open(file, "a") as f: f.write(txt + txt2) db_entry[file] = txt2 # pyproject.toml self.add_dependencies({'click': '^7.0.0'}) self.pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['scripts'][app_name] = f"{package_name}:{cli_app_name}.main" db_entry['pyproject.toml'] = f'{app_name} = "refactoring_dev:cli_{app_name}.main"\n' # add 'import <package_name>.cli_<app_name> to line = f"import {package_name}.cli_{app_name}\n" file = project_path / self.package_name / '' et_micc.utils.insert_in_file(file, [line], before=True, startswith="__version__") db_entry[os.path.join(self.package_name, '')] = line
[docs] def add_python_module(self, db_entry): """Add a python sub-module or sub-package to this project.""" project_path = self.project_path module_name = self.options.add_name if not module_name == et_micc.utils.pep8_module_name(module_name): self.error(f"Not a valid module_name: {module_name}") return source_file = f"{module_name}{os.sep}" if self.options.package else f"{module_name}.py" with et_micc.logger.log(, f"Adding python module {source_file} to project {}." ): self.options.template_parameters.update({'module_name': module_name}) # Create the needed folders and files by expanding the templates: self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical( f"Expand failed during Project.add_python_module for project ({self.project_name})." ) return package_name = self.options.template_parameters['package_name'] if self.options.package: self.module_to_package(project_path / package_name / (module_name + '.py')) src_file = os.path.join(, package_name, source_file) tst_file = os.path.join(, 'tests', 'test_' + module_name + '.py')"- python source in {src_file}.")"- Python test code in {tst_file}.") with et_micc.utils.in_directory(project_path): # docs filename = "API.rst" text = f"\n.. automodule:: {package_name}.{module_name}" \ "\n :members:\n\n" with open(filename, "a") as f: f.write(text) db_entry[filename] = text
[docs] def add_f90_module(self, db_entry): """Add a f90 module to this project.""" project_path = self.project_path module_name = self.options.add_name with et_micc.logger.log(, f"Adding f90 module {module_name} to project {}." ): self.options.template_parameters.update({'module_name': module_name}) self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical( f"Expand failed during Project.add_f90_module for project ({self.project_name})." ) package_name = self.options.template_parameters['package_name'] src_file = os.path.join( , package_name , 'f90_' + module_name , module_name + '.f90' ) tst_file = os.path.join( , 'tests' , 'test_f90_' + module_name + '.py' ) rst_file = os.path.join( , package_name , 'f90_' + module_name , module_name + '.rst' )"- Fortran source in {src_file}.")"- Python test code in {tst_file}.")"- module documentation in {rst_file} (restructuredText format).") with et_micc.utils.in_directory(project_path): self.add_dependencies({'et-micc-build': f"^{CURRENT_ET_MICC_BUILD_VERSION}"}) # docs filename = "API.rst" text = f"\n.. include:: ../{package_name}/f90_{module_name}/{module_name}.rst\n" with open(filename, "a") as f: f.write(text) db_entry[filename] = text self.add_auto_build_code(db_entry)
[docs] def add_auto_build_code(self, db_entry): """Add auto build code for binary extension modules in :file:`` of the package.""" module_name = self.options.add_name text_to_insert = [ "", "try:", f" import {self.package_name}.{module_name}", "except ModuleNotFoundError as e:", " # Try to build this binary extension:", " from pathlib import Path", " import click", " from et_micc_build.cli_micc_build import auto_build_binary_extension", f" msg = auto_build_binary_extension(Path(__file__).parent, '{module_name}')", " if not msg:", f" import {self.package_name}.{module_name}", " else:", f" click.secho(msg, fg='bright_red')", ] file = os.path.join(self.package_name, '') et_micc.utils.insert_in_file( self.project_path / file, text_to_insert, startswith="__version__ = ", ) text = '\n'.join(text_to_insert) db_entry[file] = text
[docs] def add_cpp_module(self, db_entry): """Add a cpp module to this project.""" project_path = self.project_path module_name = self.options.add_name with et_micc.logger.log(, f"Adding cpp module cpp_{module_name} to project {}." ): self.options.template_parameters.update({'module_name': module_name}) self.exit_code = et_micc.expand.expand_templates(self.options) if self.exit_code: self.logger.critical( f"Expand failed during Project.add_cpp_module for project ({self.project_name})." ) return package_name = self.options.template_parameters['package_name'] src_file = os.path.join( , package_name , 'cpp_' + module_name , module_name + '.cpp' ) tst_file = os.path.join( , 'tests' , 'test_cpp_' + module_name + '.py' ) rst_file = os.path.join( , package_name , 'cpp_' + module_name , module_name + '.rst' )"- C++ source in {src_file}.")"- Python test code in {tst_file}.")"- module documentation in {rst_file} (restructuredText format).") with et_micc.utils.in_directory(project_path): self.add_dependencies({'et-micc-build': f"^{CURRENT_ET_MICC_BUILD_VERSION}"}) # docs with open("API.rst", "a") as f: filename = "API.rst" text = f"\n.. include:: ../{package_name}/cpp_{module_name}/{module_name}.rst\n" with open(filename, "a") as f: f.write(text) db_entry[filename] = text self.add_auto_build_code(db_entry)
[docs] def app_exists(self, app_name): """Test if there is already an app with name ``app_name`` in this project. * :file:`<package_name>/cli_<app_name>.py` :param str app_name: app name :returns: bool """ return (self.project_path / self.package_name / f"cli_{app_name}.py").is_file()
[docs] def module_exists(self, module_name): """Test if there is already a module with name py:obj:`module_name` in this project. This can be either a Python module, package, or a binary extension module. :param str module_name: module name :returns: bool """ return (self.py_module_exists(module_name) or self.py_package_exists(module_name) or self.cpp_module_exists(module_name) or self.f90_module_exists(module_name) )
[docs] def py_module_exists(self, module_name): """Test if there is already a python module with name :py:obj:`module_name` in the project at :file:`project_path`. :param str module_name: module name :returns: bool """ file = self.project_path / self.package_name / f'{module_name}.py' return file.is_file()
[docs] def py_package_exists(self, module_name): """Test if there is already a python package with name :py:obj:`module_name` in the project at :file:`project_path`. :param str module_name: module name :returns: bool """ return (self.project_path / self.package_name / module_name / '').is_file()
[docs] def f90_module_exists(self, module_name): """Test if there is already a f90 module with name py:obj:`module_name` in this project. :param str module_name: module name :returns: bool """ return (self.project_path / self.package_name / ('f90_' + module_name) / f"{module_name}.f90").is_file()
[docs] def cpp_module_exists(self, module_name): """Test if there is already a cpp module with name py:obj:`module_name` in this project. :param str module_name: module name :returns: bool """ return (self.project_path / self.package_name / ('cpp_' + module_name) / f"{module_name}.cpp").is_file()
[docs] def add_dependencies(self, deps): """Add dependencies to the :file:`pyproject.toml` file. :param dict deps: (package,version_constraint) pairs. """ tool_poetry_dependencies = self.pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['dependencies'] modified = False for pkg, version_constraint in deps.items(): if pkg in tool_poetry_dependencies: # project was already depending on this package range1 = et_micc.utils.version_range(version_constraint) range2 = et_micc.utils.version_range(tool_poetry_dependencies[pkg]) if range1 == range2: # nothing to do: new and old version specifcation are the same continue intersection = et_micc.utils.intersect(range1, range2) if et_micc.utils.validate_intersection(intersection): range = intersection else: range = et_micc.utils.most_recent(version_constraint, tool_poetry_dependencies[pkg]) tool_poetry_dependencies[pkg] = et_micc.utils.version_constraint(range) modified = True else: # an entirely new dependency tool_poetry_dependencies[pkg] = version_constraint modified = True if modified: self.logger.warning("Dependencies added. Run `poetry update` to update the project's virtual environment.")
[docs] def module_to_package(self, module_py): """Move file :file:`` to :file:`module/`. :param str|Path module_py: path to """ module_py = Path(module_py).resolve() if not module_py.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(module_py) src = str(module_py) package_name = str('.py', '') package = module_py.parent / package_name package.mkdir() dst = str(package / '') shutil.move(src, dst) et_micc.logger.log(self.logger.debug, f" . Module {module_py} converted to package {package_name}{os.sep}" )
def get_logger(self, log_file_path=None): """""" if self.logger: return if log_file_path: log_file_name = log_file_dir = log_file_path.parent else: log_file_name = f"{}.micc.log" log_file_dir = self.options.project_path log_file_path = log_file_dir / log_file_name self.log_file = log_file_path if getattr(self.options, 'clear_log', False): if log_file_path.exists(): log_file_path.unlink() # create a new logger object that will write to the log file and to the console self.logger = et_micc.logger.create_logger(log_file_path) # set the log level from the verbosity self.logger.console_handler.setLevel(et_micc.logger.verbosity_to_loglevel(self.options.verbosity)) if self.options.verbosity > 2: print(f"Current logfile = {log_file_path}") if getattr(self.options, 'clear_log', False):"The log file was cleared: {log_file_path}") self.options.clear_log = False self.options.logger = self.logger
[docs] def deserialize_db(self): """Read file ``db.json`` into self.db.""" db_json = self.project_path / 'db.json' if db_json.exists(): with'r') as f: self.db = json.load(f) else: self.db = {}
[docs] def serialize_db(self, db_entry=None, verbose=False): """Write self.db to file ``db.json``. Self.options is a SimpleNamespace object which is not default json serializable. This function takes care of that by converting to ``str`` where possible, and ignoring objects that do not need serialization, as e.g. self.options.logger. """ if db_entry: # produce a json serializable version of db_entry['options']: my_options = {} for key, val in db_entry['options'].__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val,(dict, list, tuple, str, int, float, bool)): # default serializable types my_options[key] = val if verbose: print(f"serialize_db: using ({key}:{val})") elif isinstance(val, Path): my_options[key] = str(val) if verbose: print(f"serialize_db: using ({key}:str('{val}'))") else: if verbose: print(f"serialize_db: ignoring ({key}:{val})") db_entry['options'] = my_options if not hasattr(self, 'db'): # Read db.json into self.db if self.db does not yet exist. self.deserialize_db() # store the entry in self.db: self.db[self.options.add_name] = db_entry # finally, serialize self.db with et_micc.utils.in_directory(self.project_path): with open('db.json','w') as f: json.dump(self.db, f, indent=2)
[docs] def mv_component(self): """Rename or Remove a component (sub-module, sub-package, Fortran module, C++ module, app (CLI).""" cur_name, new_name = self.options.cur_name, self.options.new_name # Look up <cur_name> in the project's database to find out what kind of a component it is: self.deserialize_db() db_entry = self.db[cur_name] # may raise KeyError component_options = db_entry['options'] if new_name: # rename with et_micc.logger.log( , f"Package '{self.package_name}' Renaming component {cur_name} -> {new_name}:" ): if self.options.entire_project:"Renaming entire project (--entire-project): '{self.project_name}'") self.replace_in_folder(self.project_path, cur_name, new_name) elif self.options.entire_package:"Renaming entire package (--entire-package): '{self.package_name}'") self.replace_in_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name, cur_name, new_name) elif component_options['package']:"Renaming Python sub-package: '{cur_name}{os.sep}'") self.replace_in_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / cur_name, cur_name, new_name)"Renaming test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_{cur_name}.py', cur_name, new_name) elif component_options['py']:"Renaming Python sub-module: '{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'{cur_name}.py', cur_name, new_name)"Renaming test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_{cur_name}.py', cur_name, new_name) elif component_options['f90']:"Fortran sub-module: 'f90_{cur_name}{os.sep}{cur_name}.f90'") self.replace_in_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'f90_{cur_name}', cur_name, new_name)"Renaming test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / 'tests'/ f'test_f90_{cur_name}.py', cur_name, new_name) elif component_options['cpp']:"C++ sub-module: 'cpp_{cur_name}{os.sep}{cur_name}.cpp'") self.replace_in_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'cpp_{cur_name}', cur_name, new_name)"Renaming test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_cpp_{cur_name}.py', cur_name, new_name) elif component_options['app'] or component_options['group']:"Command line interface (no subcommands): 'cli_{cur_name}.py'") self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / self.package_name / f"cli_{cur_name}.py", cur_name, new_name) self.replace_in_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f"test_cli_{cur_name}.py", cur_name, new_name) for key,val in db_entry.items(): if not key=='options': filepath = self.project_path / key new_string = val.replace(cur_name, new_name) self.replace_in_file(filepath, val, new_string, contents_only=True) db_entry[key] = new_string # Update the database:"Updating database entry for : '{cur_name}'") self.db[new_name] = db_entry else: # remove with et_micc.logger.log( , f"Package '{self.package_name}' Removing component '{cur_name}'" ): if component_options['package']:"Removing Python sub-package: '{cur_name}{os.sep}'") self.remove_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / cur_name)"Removing test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_{cur_name}.py',) elif component_options['py']:"Removing Python sub-module: '{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'{cur_name}.py')"Removing test file: 'tests/test_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_{cur_name}.py') elif component_options['f90']:"Removing Fortran sub-module: 'f90_{cur_name}") self.remove_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'f90_{cur_name}')"Removing test file: 'tests/test_f90_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_f90_{cur_name}.py') elif component_options['cpp']:"Removing C++ sub-module: 'cpp_{cur_name}") self.remove_folder(self.project_path / self.package_name / f'cpp_{cur_name}')"Removing test file: 'tests/test_cpp_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f'test_cpp_{cur_name}.py') elif component_options['app'] or component_options['group']:"Removing app: 'cli_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / self.package_name / f"cli_{cur_name}.py")"Removing test file: 'test_cli_{cur_name}.py'") self.remove_file(self.project_path / 'tests' / f"test_cli_{cur_name}.py") for key, val in db_entry.items(): if not key == 'options': path = self.project_path / key parent_folder, filename, old_string = path.parent,, val new_string = '' self.replace_in_file(path, old_string, new_string, contents_only=True) # Update the database:"Updating database entry for : '{cur_name}'") del self.db[cur_name] self.serialize_db()
def replace_in_folder( self, folderpath, cur_name, new_name ): """""" cur_dirname = new_dirname = cur_dirname.replace(cur_name,new_name) with et_micc.logger.log(, f'Renaming folder "{cur_dirname}" -> "{new_dirname}"'): # first rename the folder new_folderpath = folderpath.parent / new_dirname os.rename(folderpath, new_folderpath) # rename subfolder names: folder_list = [] # list of tuples with (oldname,newname) for root, folders, files in os.walk(str(new_folderpath)): _filter(folders) # in place modification of the list of folders to traverse for folder in folders: new_folder = folder.replace(cur_name,new_name) folder_list.append((os.path.join(root,folder), os.path.join(root,new_folder))) # rename subfolder names: for tpl in folder_list: old_folder = tpl[0] new_folder = tpl[1]"Renaming folder '{old_folder}' -> '{new_folder}'") os.rename(old_folder, new_folder) # rename in files and file contents: for root, folders, files in os.walk(str(new_folderpath)): for file in files: if file.startswith('.orig.'): continue if file.endswith('.so'): continue if file.endswith('.json'): continue if file.endswith('.lock'): continue self.replace_in_file(Path(root) / file, cur_name, new_name) _filter(folders) # in place modification of the list of folders to traverse def remove_file(self,path): try: os.remove(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass def remove_folder(self,path): shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs] def replace_in_file(self, filepath, cur_name, new_name, contents_only=False): """Replace <cur_name> with <new_name> in the filename and its contents.""" file = what = 'Modifying' if contents_only else 'Renaming' with et_micc.logger.log(, f"{what} file {filepath}:"):'Reading from {filepath}') with open(filepath,'r') as f: old_contents ='Replacing "{cur_name}" with "{new_name}" in file contents.') new_contents = old_contents.replace(cur_name, new_name) if contents_only: new_file = file else: new_file = file.replace(cur_name,new_name)'Replacing "{cur_name}" with "{new_name}" in file name -> "{new_file}"') new_path = filepath.parent / new_file # By first renaming the original file, we avoid problems when the new # file name is identical to the old file name (because it is invariant, # e.g. orig_file = '.orig.'+file orig_path = filepath.parent / orig_file'Keeping original file "{file}" as "{orig_file}".') os.rename(filepath, orig_path)'Writing modified file contents to {new_path}: ') with open(new_path,'w') as f: f.write(new_contents)
def _filter(folders): """"In place modification of the list of folders to traverse. see ... When topdown is True, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (perhaps using del or slice assignment), and walk() will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune the search, impose a specific order of visiting, or even to inform walk() about directories the caller creates or renames before it resumes walk() again. Modifying dirnames when topdown is False has no effect on the behavior of the walk, because in bottom-up mode the directories in dirnames are generated before dirpath itself is generated. ... """ exclude_folders = ['.venv', '.git', '_build', '_cmake_build', '__pycache__'] folders[:] = [f for f in folders if not f in exclude_folders] # eof