Source code for et_micc.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 18 Nov 2019

@author: etijskens

Module et_micc.utils

Utility functions for et_micc.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from contextlib import contextmanager

import semantic_version as sv

from et_micc.tomlfile import TomlFile
import et_micc.logger
# import io
# from contextlib import redirect_stdout

[docs]def operator_version(version_constraint_string): """Split version_constraint_string in operator and version. :returns: (str,semantic_version.Version) """ for i in range(2): if version_constraint_string[i].isdigit(): operator = version_constraint_string[:i] if not operator: operator = '==' version = sv.Version(version_constraint_string[i:]) break else: operator = version_constraint_string[:2] version = sv.Version(version_constraint_string[2:]) return (operator,version)
[docs]def version_range(version_constraint_string): """Return interval [lower_bound,upper_bound[ as a tuple for a given version constraint. Note that the lower bound is inclusive, but the upper bound is exclusive. If one of the bounds is None, then it is unbound in that direction. """ if version_constraint_string.startswith('^'): vc = version_constraint_string[1:] vn = sv.Version(vc).next_major() version_constraint_string = f">={vc},<{vn}" if ',' in version_constraint_string: constraints = version_constraint_string.split(',') bnds = (None, None) for constraint in constraints: b = version_range(constraint) bnds = intersect(bnds,b) return bnds operator,version = operator_version(version_constraint_string) if operator == '==': return (version, version.next_patch()) elif operator == '>=': return (version, None) elif operator == '<=': return (None, version.next_patch()) elif operator == '>': return (version.next_patch(),None) elif operator == '<': return (None,version)
def largest_lower_bound(l,r): # None is always smaller if l is None: return r if r is None: return l else: return r if l.__cmp__(r)==-1 else l def smallest_upper_bound(l,r): # None is always larger if l is None: return r if r is None: return l else: return l if l.__cmp__(r)==-1 else r
[docs]def intersect(version_range_1, version_range_2): """Compute the intersection of two version ranges""" llb = largest_lower_bound (version_range_1[0],version_range_2[0]) sub = smallest_upper_bound(version_range_1[1],version_range_2[1]) return (llb,sub)
[docs]def validate_intersection(intersection): """Test if the intersection is not empty. :returns: bool """ if None in intersection[0]: return True else: return intersection[0].__cmp__(intersection[1]) != 1
def most_recent(version_constraint_string1, version_constraint_string2): range1 = version_range(version_constraint_string1) range2 = version_range(version_constraint_string2) if (not range1[1] is None) and (not range2[0] is None) and[1],range2[0])==-1: return version_constraint(range2) elif (not range2[1] is None) and (not range1[0] is None) and[1],range1[0])==-1: return version_constraint(range1) raise ValueError(f"ERROR: {range1} and {range2} intersect.")
[docs]def version_constraint(version_range): """Convert a version_range to a version constraing string""" return f">={version_range[0]},<{version_range[1]}"
def convert_caret_specification(spec): """""" if spec.startswith('^'): v = spec[1:] vlower = sv.Version(v) vupper = vlower.next_major() new_spec = f">={vlower},<{vupper}" return new_spec else: return spec
[docs]def replace_in_file(file_to_search, look_for, replace_with): """Replace the text :py:obj:`look_for` with :py:obj:`replace_with` in file :file:`file_to_search`""" path = Path(file_to_search) text = path.read_text() text = text.replace(look_for, replace_with) path.write_text(text)
[docs]def verify_project_name(project_name): """Project names must start with a char, and contain only chars, digits, underscores and dashes. :returns: bool """ p = re.compile("\A[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\Z") return bool( p.match(project_name) )
[docs]def pep8_module_name(name): """Convert a module name to a PEP8 compliant module name. * lowercase * whitespace -> underscore * dash -> underscore """ if name[0].isnumeric(): name = '_'+name valid_module_name = name.lower().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_') return valid_module_name
[docs]def is_publishable(package_name, verbose=True): """Is the name <package_name> available for publishing on PyPI? This is achieved by running ``pip search <package_name>`` and examining the output. If <package_name> is in use, it will appear in the output. :param str package_name: name of the package for which we want to verify the availability. :param bool verbose: show the output of ``pip search <package_name>`` and the examination process. :returns: the answer as a bool, if the command ``pip search <package_name>`` was successful, and None otherwise (e.g. because of no connection). """ # We are using subprocess to run 'pip search' because if we use pip as a module # the output cannot be suppressed in case of an error cmd = ['pip', 'search', package_name] if verbose: print( f"Verifying the availability of name '{package_name}' on PyPI.\n" f" Running: '{' '.join(cmd)}'" ) try: # python >=3.7 completed_process =, capture_output=True) except: # python <3.7, e.g 3.6.9: # capture_output parameter does not exist. completed_process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if completed_process.returncode: if verbose: print(completed_process.stderr.decode('utf-8')) print(f"\nRunning: '{' '.join(cmd)}' FAILED!") return None if verbose: print(f" Examining the output of 'pip search {package_name}':") lines = completed_process.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for line in lines: words = line.split(' ') package = words[0] if verbose: print(f" found '{package}' : {package_name==package}") if package_name == package: return False return True
[docs]def is_project_directory(path,project=None): """Verify that the directory :file:`path` is a project directory. :param Path path: path to a directory. :param Project project: if not None these variables are set: * project.project_name * project.package_name * project.pyproject_toml :returns: bool. As a sufficident condition, we request that * there is a pyproject.toml file, exposing the project's name:py:obj:`['tool']['poetry']['name']` * that there is a python package or module with that name, converted by :py:meth:`pep8_module_name`. """ if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) path_to_pyproject_toml = str(path /'pyproject.toml') try: pyproject_toml = TomlFile(path_to_pyproject_toml) project_name = pyproject_toml['tool']['poetry']['name'] if not project is None: project.pyproject_toml = pyproject_toml project.project_name = project_name except Exception: return False return verify_project_structure(path,project)
[docs]def verify_project_structure(path,project=None): """Verify that there is either a Python module :file:`<package_name>.py`, or a package :file:`<package_name>/` (and not both). :returns: a list with what was found. This list should have length 1. If its length is 0, neither, nor module/ were found. If its length is 2, both were found. """ package_name = pep8_module_name( module = path / (package_name + ".py") module = str(module.relative_to(path)) if module.exists() else "" package = path / package_name / "" package = str(package.relative_to(path)) if package.exists() else "" if package and module: if project: project.error(f"Package ({package_name}/ and module ({package_name}.py) found.") return False elif (not module and not package): if project: project.error(f"Neither package ({package_name}/ nor module ({package_name}.py) found.") return False else: if project: project.structure = 'module' if module else 'package' project.src_file = module if module else package project.package_name = package_name return True
[docs]@contextmanager def in_directory(path): """Context manager for changing the current working directory while the body of the context manager executes. """ previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(path)) # the str method takes care of when path is a Path object yield os.getcwd() os.chdir(previous_dir)
[docs]def execute(cmds,logfun=None,stop_on_error=True,env=None,cwd=None): """Executes a list of OS commands, and logs with logfun. :param list cmds: list of OS commands (=list of list of str) or a single command (list of str) :parma callable logfun: a function to write output, typically ``logging.getLogger('et_micc').debug``. :returns int: return code of first failing command, or 0 if all commanbds succeed. """ if isinstance(cmds[0],str): # this is a single command cmds = [cmds] for cmd in cmds: with et_micc.logger.log(logfun, f"> {' '.join(cmd)}"): try: # python >=3.7 completed_process =, capture_output=True,env=env,cwd=cwd) except: # python <3.7, e.g 3.6.9: # capture_output parameter does not exist. completed_process =, env=env, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if not logfun is None: if completed_process.returncode: logfun0 = logfun try: logfun = logfun.__self__.warning except: pass logfun(f"> {' '.join(cmd)}") if completed_process.stdout: logfun(' (stdout)\n' + completed_process.stdout.decode('utf-8')) if completed_process.stderr: logfun(' (stderr)\n' + completed_process.stderr.decode('utf-8')) if completed_process.returncode: logfun = logfun0 if completed_process.returncode: if stop_on_error: return completed_process.returncode return 0
[docs]def get_project_path(p): """Look for a project directory in the parents of path :py:obj:`p`. :param Path p: :returns: the nearest directory above :py:obj:`p` that is project directory. :raise: RuntimeError if :py:obj:`p` is noe inside a project directory. """ root = Path('/') p = Path(p).resolve() p0 = copy.copy(p) while not is_project_directory(p): p = p.parent if p==root: raise RuntimeError(f"Folder {p0} is not inside a Python project.") return p
[docs]def insert_in_file(file, lines=[], before=False, startswith=None): """Insert *lines* at a specific position in a <file>. :param Path file: path to file in which to insert :param list lines: list of lines to insert. If a line does not end with a newline, it is added. :param bool before: insert before or after a reference line. :param str startswith: find the reference line as the first line that starts with <startswith>. If no such line is found the text is inserted at the end. """ if lines: with as f: content = f.readlines() for l,line in enumerate(content): if startswith and line.startswith(startswith): if not before: l += 1 break for i,line in enumerate(lines): if not line.endswith('\n'): line += '\n' content.insert(l+i,line) with'w') as f: for line in content: f.write(line)